
Faith O’Higgins

200hr Vinyasa/Hatha YTT,
Aerial Yoga Certification

What’s your go-to yoga pose and why?
It’s almost impossible to pick just one, but right now if I had to choose, my go-to yoga pose would be child’s pose! I almost never start my practice without it! It instantly brings my energy inwards and drops me into my body, breath, and the present moment. It’s simple yet highly effective, and reminds me to seek for beauty and magic in the mundane moments! 

What’s your favorite way to unwind outside of the yoga studio?
Yoga and meditation will always be my favorite ways to unwind but besides those, it depends on my mood!! I love to read, write, paint/draw, go for a long walk in nature, dance around my kitchen, or light some candles and have a mini spa night at home with a bath, face mask, gua sha, all of the things!!! 

If you could have any animal join a yoga class, what would it be and why?
If I had any animal join a yoga class (not including goats), I would love to practice yoga in a butterfly sanctuary!! I think it would be so relaxing and peaceful because they’re such ethereal creatures! My second answer would be ferrets because I think they’d be so fun and playful and squirmy!! 

What’s your favorite healthy snack or meal after a yoga session?
My favorite snack after a yoga session is either a cacao-banana protein smoothie, or avocado toast on sourdough bread with an egg, squeeze of lemon, drizzle of olive oil, and sprinkle of sea salt!! 

Share a mantra or quote that inspires you both on and off the mat.
Every morning I start my day or end my yoga practice by repeating (either in my head or out loud) “I give love and light in all moments and experiences, and I receive love and light in all moments and experiences.”  I feel that it clears my energy field and aligns me to be the best version of myself each day. It reminds me to dig deep and find compassion for myself and others even in the most difficult situations. Life doesn’t always feel like “love and light” but I believe there is always a speck of it within and around us if we choose to see it!! 

If you could describe your teaching style in three words, what would they be?
Fluid, intuitive, inclusive, & passionate! (That’s four words, but let’s pretend it’s three!)